Indians being deported from the US

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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by SAPPORO »

wd40 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:43 pm
SAPPORO wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:16 am
WTH is this Acharya guy and why he's being judgmental and deciding on what anyone should do in the most private activity as dreaming: roll:
I was at a recently opened eatery a few steps from my apartment in Bangalore. I wanted to try out something different than Idli, Dosa and asked for the Gobi fried rice that was on the menu written on the blackboard. The owner could not find the cook for this and quipped to his wife that "we pay him 3000 INR (a month) and a free room) and still he doesn't have the discipline to show up to work on time". So, folks are still making such a low salary and this cook if ever immigrated to the US, can make at least 2000 USD a month- a fifty-fold increase in his salary - won't this 'holier-than-thou' Acharya guy move mountains to get such a life-changing bump in income?!
Most of them don't have crores lying around but more likely than not took out loans from sharks.

Would I ask anyone to do this? No but at the same time would I judge and belittle their extraordinary efforts to make the lives of their family better? Hell NO!
All they have is hard labor and it looks like a decent strategy to move to a place where it's more valued and in demand.

I don't agree with everything Acharya Prashant says. But some things, I resonate with him.

First of all, there are countries worse than India to make a living.

India is so wealthy because of the land boom and these people are selling their ancestoral land due to fomo to go to the land of "milk and honey".

No loan shark will give them so much money as they know they won't get it back.

This is just classic case of fomo and it has nothing to do with opportunities in India.

I have faced this myself, peer pressure and everyone is going abroad, the jugaad mindset sets in and I don't want to do the hard work of cracking GMAT or GRE, so I got admission into a diploma mill in Canada called Humber.

But eventually, sense prevailed. I was like if I can't make it big in my own country, where I am upper caste privileged person, what chance I have as a 3rd class brown pest in a western country? Remember there are top talent Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Irani etc who all want to go to US. So my competition is against the best of best in the world and those people are 100x more desperate than me. I will have to stand in line along with these people.

So I stayed back in India, worked my way to get into IT and then got onsite, minted money and now I go back to India

We are all dealt with certain cards when we are born and it is upto us to make the most of it. Just fomo and following other people and taking the short cut is doomed for failure.
Not everyone is rich in India, I just told you a story of a cook paid 3K per month and forgot to tell you that he was from somewhere north that found this 3K salary in Bangalore better than what he could find there.

Some might have mortgaged their piece of land to get the loans, who knows? But what we know is no one risks their lives just for FOMO!

PS: Based on per capita income by PPP dollars, even El Salvador is better than India - India being a 'rich' country is quite disputable. ... per_capita
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by wd40 »

SAPPORO wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 7:30 pm
wd40 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:43 pm
SAPPORO wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2025 8:16 am
WTH is this Acharya guy and why he's being judgmental and deciding on what anyone should do in the most private activity as dreaming: roll:
I was at a recently opened eatery a few steps from my apartment in Bangalore. I wanted to try out something different than Idli, Dosa and asked for the Gobi fried rice that was on the menu written on the blackboard. The owner could not find the cook for this and quipped to his wife that "we pay him 3000 INR (a month) and a free room) and still he doesn't have the discipline to show up to work on time". So, folks are still making such a low salary and this cook if ever immigrated to the US, can make at least 2000 USD a month- a fifty-fold increase in his salary - won't this 'holier-than-thou' Acharya guy move mountains to get such a life-changing bump in income?!
Most of them don't have crores lying around but more likely than not took out loans from sharks.

Would I ask anyone to do this? No but at the same time would I judge and belittle their extraordinary efforts to make the lives of their family better? Hell NO!
All they have is hard labor and it looks like a decent strategy to move to a place where it's more valued and in demand.

I don't agree with everything Acharya Prashant says. But some things, I resonate with him.

First of all, there are countries worse than India to make a living.

India is so wealthy because of the land boom and these people are selling their ancestoral land due to fomo to go to the land of "milk and honey".

No loan shark will give them so much money as they know they won't get it back.

This is just classic case of fomo and it has nothing to do with opportunities in India.

I have faced this myself, peer pressure and everyone is going abroad, the jugaad mindset sets in and I don't want to do the hard work of cracking GMAT or GRE, so I got admission into a diploma mill in Canada called Humber.

But eventually, sense prevailed. I was like if I can't make it big in my own country, where I am upper caste privileged person, what chance I have as a 3rd class brown pest in a western country? Remember there are top talent Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Irani etc who all want to go to US. So my competition is against the best of best in the world and those people are 100x more desperate than me. I will have to stand in line along with these people.

So I stayed back in India, worked my way to get into IT and then got onsite, minted money and now I go back to India

We are all dealt with certain cards when we are born and it is upto us to make the most of it. Just fomo and following other people and taking the short cut is doomed for failure.
Not everyone is rich in India, I just told you a story of a cook paid 3K per month and forgot to tell you that he was from somewhere north that found this 3K salary in Bangalore better than what he could find there.

Some might have mortgaged their piece of land to get the loans, who knows? But what we know is no one risks their lives just for FOMO!

PS: Based on per capita income by PPP dollars, even El Salvador is better than India - India being a 'rich' country is quite disputable. ... per_capita
The poor cook will not go the dunky route. He won't be able to get the money for it.

The type of people willing to go the dunky route are from specific regions and they are not the poorest of poor. They have the resources to gather 50L to 1cr. This is just fomo to get out of the country.
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by Returning_Indian »

You probably misheard. 3k per month for a cook is not possible unless he works just half hr a day. We had a restaurant at one point. It was 20k for an idiot who was to be trained and once trained it went to 30k for not a fancy cook. For cooks with skills they will ask for 50k to 1lakh. Cook that worked at our house charges 7k for working 1hr in morning and half in evening. He worked at multiple places. Cook that comes in our village charges 1k per day but she is more of a contractor. Delivery boys make around 20-30k net profit each month. And all these are pre-covid rates. Post Covid salaries have increased significantly for semi skilled labor.

Other possibility is that person is relative or very close one. He is just doing him a favor and has given roof, food and 3k for 'hobbies'. Not an actual employee.
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by wd40 »

Returning_Indian wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:07 pm You probably misheard. 3k per month for a cook is not possible unless he works just half hr a day. We had a restaurant at one point. It was 20k for an idiot who was to be trained and once trained it went to 30k for not a fancy cook. For cooks with skills they will ask for 50k to 1lakh. Cook that worked at our house charges 7k for working 1hr in morning and half in evening. He worked at multiple places. Cook that comes in our village charges 1k per day but she is more of a contractor. Delivery boys make around 20-30k net profit each month.
I just feel India is like an elephant and everyone sees only that part which they choose to see and ignore the rest.

I have already said there are many Indias within India and there is a fast emerging wealthy class in rural India due to shooting up of land prices and this class is uneducated but wealthy relative to the similar people in other parts of the world

The rural land in Punjab is probably 10X more expensive than the urban land in Mexico city. In this context using the low GDP per capita of the whole of India doesn't make sense.
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by Returning_Indian »

wd40 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:43 pm

I don't agree with everything Acharya Prashant says. But some things, I resonate with him.

First of all, there are countries worse than India to make a living.

India is so wealthy because of the land boom and these people are selling their ancestoral land due to fomo to go to the land of "milk and honey".

No loan shark will give them so much money as they know they won't get it back.

This is just classic case of fomo and it has nothing to do with opportunities in India.

I have faced this myself, peer pressure and everyone is going abroad, the jugaad mindset sets in and I don't want to do the hard work of cracking GMAT or GRE, so I got admission into a diploma mill in Canada called Humber.

But eventually, sense prevailed. I was like if I can't make it big in my own country, where I am upper caste privileged person, what chance I have as a 3rd class brown pest in a western country? Remember there are top talent Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Irani etc who all want to go to US. So my competition is against the best of best in the world and those people are 100x more desperate than me. I will have to stand in line along with these people.

So I stayed back in India, worked my way to get into IT and then got onsite, minted money and now I go back to India

We are all dealt with certain cards when we are born and it is upto us to make the most of it. Just fomo and following other people and taking the short cut is doomed for failure.
But still to sell all your land and take bus to unknown. Where you don't even know whether you will make it. And your family to agree with you as well. These agents must be really good salesmen for people to take such huge risk. Unless there is some economics that I am not able to grasp here.

Making 2-3k in US and probably saving 500 bucks a month is not a profitable venture. And the fact that they can never return to see their family. Ever again.
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by wd40 »

Returning_Indian wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:23 pm
wd40 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:43 pm

I don't agree with everything Acharya Prashant says. But some things, I resonate with him.

First of all, there are countries worse than India to make a living.

India is so wealthy because of the land boom and these people are selling their ancestoral land due to fomo to go to the land of "milk and honey".

No loan shark will give them so much money as they know they won't get it back.

This is just classic case of fomo and it has nothing to do with opportunities in India.

I have faced this myself, peer pressure and everyone is going abroad, the jugaad mindset sets in and I don't want to do the hard work of cracking GMAT or GRE, so I got admission into a diploma mill in Canada called Humber.

But eventually, sense prevailed. I was like if I can't make it big in my own country, where I am upper caste privileged person, what chance I have as a 3rd class brown pest in a western country? Remember there are top talent Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Irani etc who all want to go to US. So my competition is against the best of best in the world and those people are 100x more desperate than me. I will have to stand in line along with these people.

So I stayed back in India, worked my way to get into IT and then got onsite, minted money and now I go back to India

We are all dealt with certain cards when we are born and it is upto us to make the most of it. Just fomo and following other people and taking the short cut is doomed for failure.
But still to sell all your land and take bus to unknown. Where you don't even know whether you will make it. And your family to agree with you as well. These agents must be really good salesmen for people to take such huge risk. Unless there is some economics that I am not able to grasp here.

Making 2-3k in US and probably saving 500 bucks a month is not a profitable venture. And the fact that they can never return to see their family. Ever again.
I agree, this is what fomo does to people. They don't value what they have and they chase the golden goose. This is where Acharya Prashant comes in. These people are uneducated and there is no respect for them in the society, if they don't go abroad. If they were poor they would work hard, but since they are wealthy they don't want to work hard, they take the short cut to go abroad.
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by SAPPORO »

Returning_Indian wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:23 pm
wd40 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 6:43 pm

I don't agree with everything Acharya Prashant says. But some things, I resonate with him.

First of all, there are countries worse than India to make a living.

India is so wealthy because of the land boom and these people are selling their ancestoral land due to fomo to go to the land of "milk and honey".

No loan shark will give them so much money as they know they won't get it back.

This is just classic case of fomo and it has nothing to do with opportunities in India.

I have faced this myself, peer pressure and everyone is going abroad, the jugaad mindset sets in and I don't want to do the hard work of cracking GMAT or GRE, so I got admission into a diploma mill in Canada called Humber.

But eventually, sense prevailed. I was like if I can't make it big in my own country, where I am upper caste privileged person, what chance I have as a 3rd class brown pest in a western country? Remember there are top talent Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Irani etc who all want to go to US. So my competition is against the best of best in the world and those people are 100x more desperate than me. I will have to stand in line along with these people.

So I stayed back in India, worked my way to get into IT and then got onsite, minted money and now I go back to India

We are all dealt with certain cards when we are born and it is upto us to make the most of it. Just fomo and following other people and taking the short cut is doomed for failure.
But still to sell all your land and take bus to unknown. Where you don't even know whether you will make it. And your family to agree with you as well. These agents must be really good salesmen for people to take such huge risk. Unless there is some economics that I am not able to grasp here.

Making 2-3k in US and probably saving 500 bucks a month is not a profitable venture. And the fact that they can never return to see their family. Ever again.
I have seen way too many Indian IT companies housing their onsite staff or those on bench - almost a dozen of them in a single old decrepit house. I am pretty sure these people can also find something for $100-$150 a month and with food mostly taken care of if they are in restaurant business they can potentially save most of their income just like the cook that works in Bangalore. It makes perfect financial sense.
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by r2somewhere »

wd40 wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:19 pm
The rural land in Punjab is probably 10X more expensive than the urban land in Mexico city. In this context using the low GDP per capita of the whole of India doesn't make sense.
Just seeing images and videos about small towns in Sub saharan Africa and how clean they are makes me think of India's GDP per capita as being reported as too high
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by SAPPORO »

Folks should probably get out of social media like reddit, X, WA etc.., and actually look at the raw data. Obviously for every landowner in Punjab or for that matter anywhere else, there would be thousands that work there and don't own anything. Punjab has been facing economic decline for the last 40+ years and that could be the reason why they want to move out risking their lives.,_India

"It ranked first in GDP per capita amongst Indian states in 1981 and fourth in 2001, but has experienced slower growth than the rest of India in recent years, having the second-slowest GDP per capita growth rate of all Indian states and union territories (UTs) between 2000 and 2010, behind only Manipur."
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Re: Indians being deported from the US

Post by SAPPORO »

Returning_Indian wrote: Sun Feb 09, 2025 8:07 pm You probably misheard. 3k per month for a cook is not possible unless he works just half hr a day. We had a restaurant at one point. It was 20k for an idiot who was to be trained and once trained it went to 30k for not a fancy cook. For cooks with skills they will ask for 50k to 1lakh. Cook that worked at our house charges 7k for working 1hr in morning and half in evening. He worked at multiple places. Cook that comes in our village charges 1k per day but she is more of a contractor. Delivery boys make around 20-30k net profit each month. And all these are pre-covid rates. Post Covid salaries have increased significantly for semi skilled labor.

Other possibility is that person is relative or very close one. He is just doing him a favor and has given roof, food and 3k for 'hobbies'. Not an actual employee.
LOL - 50k to 1 Lakh? This eatery owner won't even know what chef means! The owner comes in at 530 AM and toils until 1030 PM to establish the business and he sure doesn't have the means to pay his cooks by the hour.
Last edited by SAPPORO on Mon Feb 10, 2025 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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